L.TileLayer.WMTS.POI = L.TileLayer.WMTS.extend({ options: { showTitle: true, showLabellevel:14, tileSize: 256, loadShape:false }, markerLayerGroup: null, markerPopupGroup: null, clickHander: null, shapeGroup:null, mouseoverObj:null, shapeIds:{}, initialize: function (url, jsonUrl, options, markerClick) { // (String, Object) this._jsonUrl = jsonUrl; var host = window.EASYMAP_CONFIG['poihost']; if(options.layer === 'xs_cb_cbyj'){ this._url = host + '/poiwmts/color/getTile'; }else{ this._url = url; } var wmtsParams = L.extend({}, this.defaultWmtsParams); var tileSize = options.tileSize || this.options.tileSize; if (options.detectRetina && L.Browser.retina) { wmtsParams.width = wmtsParams.height = tileSize * 2; } else { wmtsParams.width = wmtsParams.height = tileSize; } for (var i in options) { // all keys that are not TileLayer options go to WMTS params if (!this.options.hasOwnProperty(i) && i != "matrixIds" && i != "jsonUrl") { wmtsParams[i] = options[i]; } } this.wmtsParams = wmtsParams; this.matrixIds = options.matrixIds || this.getDefaultMatrix(); //console.log(this); if (!options.zIndex || options.zIndex < 10) { options.zIndex = 10; } L.setOptions(this, options); var _this = this; this.eventMap = { click: function (ev) { if (_this.clickHander) { clearTimeout(_this.clickHander) _this.clickHander = undefined; } else { _this.clickHander = setTimeout(function () { var minPoint = ev.layerPoint.subtract(L.point(12, 12)); var maxPoint = ev.layerPoint.add(L.point(12, 12)); var minLatLng = map.layerPointToLatLng(minPoint); var maxLatLng = map.layerPointToLatLng(maxPoint); ////BBOX:"BBOX(minx,maxx,maxy,miny) var bbox = "BBOX(" + minLatLng.lng + "," + maxLatLng.lng + "," + minLatLng.lat + "," + maxLatLng.lat + ")"; _this.getClickPointBBoxJsonMarker(bbox, markerClick) _this.clickHander = undefined; }, 300); } //_this.markerLayerGroup = L.marker(ev.latlng,{iconUrl:'images/marker-icon-2x.png'}).addTo(map); /*if(!_this.markerLayerGroup || !_this.markerLayerGroup.popup){ return ; } var minDistance = -1; var minDistancePopup; var markerInfo; var distance; for( var key in _this.markerLayerGroup.popup ){ distance = ev.latlng.distanceTo(_this.markerLayerGroup.popup[key].getLatLng()); //console.log("....."+distance); if(minDistance == -1){ minDistance = distance; minDistancePopup = _this.markerLayerGroup.popup[key]; markerInfo = _this.markerLayerGroup.markerInfo[key]; continue; } if(minDistance > distance ){ minDistancePopup = _this.markerLayerGroup.popup[key] markerInfo = _this.markerLayerGroup.markerInfo[key]; minDistance = distance; } } if(minDistancePopup){ var pointDistace = ev.layerPoint.distanceTo(map.latLngToLayerPoint(minDistancePopup.getLatLng())); var maxPointDistace = Math.max(markerInfo.markerWidth,markerInfo.markerHeigth)/2; if(pointDistace <= maxPointDistace){ markerClick && markerClick({markerInfo:}) // minDistancePopup.openOn(map); } }*/ }, }; window.map.on(this.eventMap); this.shapeGroup = L.featureGroup().addTo(window.map); }, onRemove: function (map) { window.map.off(this.eventMap); if(this.mouseoverObj){ this.mouseoverObj.closePopup(); this.mouseoverObj.unbindPopup(); this.mouseoverObj = null; } this.shapeGroup.clearLayers(); this.shapeGroup.off(); map.removeLayer(this.shapeGroup); L.TileLayer.WMTS.prototype.onRemove.call(this, map); }, // @method createTile(coords: Object, done?: Function): HTMLElement // Called only internally, overrides GridLayer's [`createTile()`](#gridlayer-createtile) // to return an `` HTML element with the appropiate image URL given `coords`. The `done` // callback is called when the tile has been loaded. createTile: function (coords, done) { var tile = document.createElement('img'); L.DomEvent.on(tile, 'load', L.bind(this._tileOnLoad, this, done, tile)); L.DomEvent.on(tile, 'error', L.bind(this._tileOnError, this, done, tile)); if (this.options.crossOrigin) { tile.crossOrigin = ''; } /* Alt tag is set to empty string to keep screen readers from reading URL and for compliance reasons http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/H67 */ tile.alt = ''; /* Set role="presentation" to force screen readers to ignore this https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/roles#textalternativecomputation */ tile.setAttribute('role', 'presentation'); tile.src = this.getTileUrl(coords); var _this = this; if(this._jsonUrl && this.options.loadShape ){ setTimeout(function(){ _this.loadShape(coords); },100); } return tile; }, loadShape: function(coords){ if (!this._jsonUrl) { return ""; } console.log(this.shapeGroup.getLayers().length) var url = L.Util.template(this._jsonUrl, {}); var param = L.extend({}, this.wmtsParams); param.format = "json"; param.size = 100; url += this.getParamString(param, this._jsonUrl) + "&tilematrix=" + (coords.z) + "&tilerow=" + coords.y +"&tilecol=" + coords.x; // this.shapeGroup.clearLayers(); let _this = this; this.doXHR(url, function (data) { if( data && data.resultList && data.resultList.length > 0 ){ let item,geometry; let shapes = []; let attributes = []; for( var i in data.resultList ){ item = data.resultList[i]; if(item && item.geoShapeType && item.geoShapeType.toLocaleLowerCase() != "point" && item.shape ){ if(item.id in _this.shapeIds){ continue; }else{ _this.shapeIds[item.id] = 0; } geometry = omnivore.wkt.parse(item.shape ); geometry.attribute = {name:item.name, pname:item.layerCnName} console.log(geometry) _this.shapeGroup.addLayer(geometry); // shapes.push(geometry); } } _this.shapeGroupOn(); } }); }, shapeGroupOn:function(){ this.shapeGroup.setStyle( {dashArray :'12',weight:1,color :'#172d58',fill:false}); let _this = this; this.shapeGroup.eachLayer(function(layer){ layer.unbindPopup().bindPopup(layer.attribute.name,{closeButton:false}) layer.off().on("mousemove",function(e){ this.openPopup(); if( _this.mouseoverObj && _this.mouseoverObj != this ){ setTimeout(function(handle){ handle.setStyle( {dashArray :'12',weight:1,color :'#172d58',fill:false}); },1000,_this.mouseoverObj) } _this.mouseoverObj = this.setStyle( {dashArray :null,weight:3,color :'#3388ff',fill:false}); }); }); }, getTileUrl: function (coords) { // (Point, Number) -> String //小于14层级,不显示具体图标,并且不能看详情 if (this.options.layer === 'xs_cb_cbyj' && coords.z < this.options.showLabellevel) { this._url = window.EASYMAP_CONFIG['poihost'] + '/poiwmts/color/getTile' this.options.showTitle = false }else if(this.options.layer === 'xs_cb_cbyj' && coords.z >= this.options.showLabellevel){ this._url = window.EASYMAP_CONFIG['poihost'] + '/poiwmts/aggMarker/getTile' this.options.showTitle = true } var url = L.Util.template(this._url, { s: this._getSubdomain(coords) }); //argis版本的要-1 url += this.getParamString(this.wmtsParams, url) + "&tilematrix=" + (coords.z) + "&tilerow=" + coords.y + "&tilecol=" + coords.x + "&sessionToken=" + window.sessionToken; if (this.wmtsParams.hnjhpt_rid) { var date = new Date(); var time = date.getTime(); var message = this.wmtsParams.hnjhpt_sid + this.wmtsParams.hnjhpt_rid + time; var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(message, this.wmtsParams.secret); var hashInBase64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash); url += "&hnjhpt_sign=" + encodeURIComponent(hashInBase64) + "&hnjhpt_rtime=" + time } return url; }, getJsonUrl: function (bbox) { // (Point, Number) -> String if (!this._jsonUrl) { return ""; } var url = L.Util.template(this._jsonUrl, {}); var param = L.extend({}, this.wmtsParams); param.format = "json"; param.size = 1; // lat: 17.9736328125 // lng: 108.973388671875 param.bbox = bbox; url += this.getParamString(param, this._jsonUrl); //+ "&tilematrix=" + (coords.z) + "&tilerow=" + coords.y +"&tilecol=" + coords.x; /*if (this.wmtsParams.hnjhpt_rid) { var date = new Date(); var time = date.getTime(); var message = this.wmtsParams.hnjhpt_sid + this.wmtsParams.hnjhpt_rid + time; var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(message, this.wmtsParams.secret); var hashInBase64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash); url += "&hnjhpt_sign=" + encodeURIComponent(hashInBase64) + "&hnjhpt_rtime=" + time }*/ return url; }, getClickPointBBoxJsonMarker: function (bbox, callback) { //判断图标是否可以点击显示详情 if(!this.options.showTitle){ return; } var _this = this; /*if( !this.markerLayerGroup ){ this.markerLayerGroup = L.layerGroup().addTo(map); }*/ this.doXHR(this.getJsonUrl(bbox), function (data) { if (data && data.resultList && data.resultList.length && data.resultList.length > 0) { if (callback) { callback({ markerInfo: data.resultList[0] }); } else { L.popup().setLatLng([parseFloat(data.resultList[0].lat) , parseFloat(data.resultList[0].lon)]) .setContent('
名称:' + data.resultList[0].name + '
+ '地址:' + data.resultList[0].dz + '
+ '经度:' + data.resultList[0].lon + '
+ '纬度:' + data.resultList[0].lat
+ '